We are 19 days into the second Donald J Trump presidency. The 2nd presidency began after Donald lost his second try at POTUS.
Donald must not have had as much help from FOREIGN leaders as he did the first time he ran. 2016 was a doozy. But that’s a whole separate section.
In these 19 days Elon Musk has been allowed access to first the Treasury, but now it seems Elon and his Skater Gang of HACKERS (make another post for this …. it’s deep)
I had to turn off the news and turn on some music to actually start writing. The idiocy of the 2nd trumped administration is overwhelming. This is especially true since they posted Project2025 on the internet. At least on MSNBC, we heard the manual’s contents and their meaning. And here we are.
The 180 playbook is also online. We are 19 days in. The Bed Bugs that the REPUBLICANS allowed their party to become are early.
Sorry, maybe I should warn my readers I will cuss when I really need to make a point. Anyway … the mate is up and it is time to get back to the weekend chores that must be done.